Wednesday 1 February 2012

Styles of Music Video

There are many different types of music videos, we have different types of music videos so that they aren't all the same and boring, it is for a variety, these include the following:

·         Homage – homage is basically something that references something from the past, this could be a music video where everyone wears 80’s clothes and it is set in an 80’s setting. An example of this is Digital Love by Daft Punk, in this video they use inspiration from Japanese manga and use that for the narrative, this is what it is referencing from the past.
·         Narrative + Animation – Narrative means story, so a narrative music video would be a music video that has a story to it. Animation is straight forward, if the music video is animated, then it falls into the animation category. A music video that shows this is No Handlebars by the Flobots, in this video you see two friends that chose two different paths to life, on being freedom and the other corporate, this force the two friends to become enemies and fight against one another until one finally dies, this is the narrative of the music video. The reason this also falls into animation is because the whole video is animated. This music video also has examples of lyric interpretation, an example of this in the Flobots music video is when he says even when the paths are crookedly and the path on the floor is all broken and cracked. 
·         As Live – As live means that in the music video the song is performed live, this is usually in a concert or a venue. An example of this is Let there be love by Oasis, the reason this is as live is because the video is a recording from one of their concerts, in which you see them perform and you can see the audience cheering etc.

·         Pastiche – This in its simplest term is imitation, it is a music video that copies an original piece of work, but tries to make it funny, but not in a way that would mock the original. The example of this is Walk by Foo Fighters, in this music video they copy the movie Falling down, but they make their twist on the video to make it funny. But if the original never existed, the music video by the Foo Fighters would never have been made.
·         Parody – This is similar to a pastiche, it also copies another thing to try and make it funny, but in this case it is there to mock the original and/or the creator of the thing being mocked. An example of this can be found with the Rebecca Black parody performed by the youtube channel ‘Funnyz’ in this video the creator makes the lyrics of the song and the video to show that the creator of the original is stupid and their video is stupid also.
·         Influence of commercials – This is when a music video uses advertisement strategies to carry the narrative of the song. An example of this the song Gold Digger by Kanye West. The reason that this shows influence of commercials is because they use the way that magazine covers are set out in magazines to shows the women off, they do this the same way in the music video. This video also has links to other artists, in this video the link to the other artist is Jamie Fox. 
·         Referencing – This is when a music video uses another media product for inspiration. A music video that references another media product is the music video for the song the Kill by 30 Seconds to Mars, the reason for this is that they reference the shining in the video. You can see this as they try to make the hotel they’re staying at the same as the one in the shining, they also try to make it creepy, like the movie, this is a reference, it is also known as an Allusion.
·         Surreal – This is something that would make the audience believe wouldn’t happen in the real world, it has to give off this sort of dream vibe. An example of this could be the song street spirit by Radio head. In this video things happen that wouldn't happen in real life, for example time randomly slows and speeds up and goes fast for some people and slower for others, it gives you a sort of dream like feel to it. 
·         Interpretative – This when in a music video the lyrics explain exactly what is going on in the video. An example of this could be Trapped in the closet by R.Kelly, in this video he literally explains what he is doing in the video with his lyrics, It is as if he is telling a story in a song.

·         Impressionist – This when the artist put in their music video their impression of a style, genre or theme. An example of this is Sabotage by The Beastie Boys. In the video they artists are pretending to be American cops, they have done this by taking the image they have from watching American cop movie and making that their video. This is how it is impressionist, because it is their view on how American movie cops are. This music video also shows an example of a music video that extends a songs meaning, this is shown when the words Sabotage come up on the video. 

Music video techniques

There are several different music video techniques, these are as follow:
·         Cutting to the beat – this is where the music video will cut to different shots in the beat of the song. An example of this is the song same girl by R.kelly and Usher, in the video every time there is a beat the video cuts.

·         Effects – Effects are used in a music video to add narrative to the video, for example they will make explosions or buildings crashing to the ground. An example in a music video can be found in Dr Dre’s music video I need a doctor in which they crash a Ferrari to add story to the video.

·         Miming and lip sync – This is when in a music video the people in the video don’t actually sing the song, they just move their lips to make it seem like they are singing the song. An example of this can be found with Nicklebacks song Rockstar, in this video everyone is moving their lips to the lyrics of the song which the original track is playing the background.
·         Use of Multi image – This is when there is different types of shots that are focusing on one target, a music video that uses multi image is Without me by Eminem, in his video there are parts where the screen will split and have two different recordings in each of the split.

·         Camera shots/ angles and movement A tracking shot is where the camera follows a target, it will move along with the subject. A panning shot is where the camera will stay still and follow the target. This is used in music videos when people are moving about, it covers all movement. Close ups will be used to capture emotion. An establishing shot is used to set the scene. High angle shot will be used to show the innocence of someone. A low angle will be used to capture the importance of the person.
·         Chroma key/ green screenA green screen is basically something that you can place a background on, this is used in the background of something, in this case it will be a music video, usually you will see the band/artist performing and there will be a big green screen in the background, but in the video it will be something different. An example of this is Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green day when they’re walking down the road, but the background of the video is like a desert, but in real life it would be just a green screen.
·         Lighting - there are two types of lighting, the first is high key lighting in this is where the video will have very bright lighting and there will be no shadows. Low key lighting will make the video appear darker; this will create a moodier image. An example of low key lighting in a music video is the song Grounds for divorce by Elbow, in this music video the lighting is very low and makes the place look very dingy and dark. A music video of high key lighting can be found in the music video for Kiss the stars by Pixie Lott, in this video it is very bright and you can't see the shadows of people in the video.

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